Cutting New Car Keys – How We Do It

Whether you’ve lost your car keys or just need a spare, Car Keys Solutions provides a fast service for customers across London and the surrounding areas.

Our technicians are fully equipped to come and service you on the roadside as well as providing an immediate service in store at our East Finchley base with a 15% discount on our standard prices.

Car Keys Solutions emergency hotline 02033935669

How Keys Are Cut

Key blades are not made in the final shape to match a lock barrel, they have to be cut. This procedure has been around for many, many, years, and the replacement of them is one of Car Keys Solutions specialties. We use state-of-the-art, car key cutting equipment and our key cutting machines are updated and calibrated regularly to make sure they perform at their best.

If you have lost your car keys, need a spare or have broken your current set, a local locksmith will be able to cut your key. However, keep in mind that key cutting requires a lot of time and skill because of the delicacy involved.

Key cutting is done to a code which is unique to each car lock. You can find the key code in your vehicle owner’s manual, or it can be retrieved from your dealer. Some of the main dealers keep databases with key codes and this information can be purchased by an authorised auto locksmith or a registered vehicle keeper. If codes cannot be found, then the door barrel or ignition barrel needs to be decoded to extract the key codes.

The Car Key Cutting Process and the Steps Your Auto Locksmith Will Follow

Step One: Decoding a Door Lock

decoding a door lock

The reason why we need a code for every key cutting process is because the order of the grooves in the barrel form the unique code for that specific key. If the code fails to match the lock’s barrel then it will prevent the key from turning. This happens because the barrel wafer blades are not properly aligned with the key and therefore prevent you from unlocking your vehicle.

To match the key code with the barrel’s wafers, the key has to be cut accordingly. A tool is inserted into the barrel to ‘read’ each plate or blade’s code and then after this the engineer will be able to design and cut a key that will accurately form a match.

Step Two: Car Key Cutting

car key cutting

After finding out the exact code, it is written down and inserted into the key cutting machine. Key machines cut keys for cars, vans, lorries and motorcycles.In the video below, we are shown to be cutting a key for a BMW 3 Series car model and have inserted the code we managed to decode from the barrel. In the key decoding step, the number of wafers is 8. In this case, the code extracted and inserted is 233-123-42. We are then presented with a preview of the key before the cutting begins.

After the number is dialled in on the machine, the first side of the key blade is cut. After a few minutes, the key is then turned around so that the opposite side of the key is able to form its structure.

Once both sides of the key have been cut, the key’s debris is brushed off and it is then ready to be inserted into the car door and ignition barrel.

Step Three: Programming of The Key Transponder into the Vehicle’s Immobiliser System

The final step is to programme the car key transponder into the vehicle’s immobiliser system and remote control central locking system.

How do I get new keys for my car?

If you’ve lost your car keys or you just need a spare set, then the best option is to call an auto locksmith. This is the quickest way to get a key replacement with minimum inconvenience. There is always the alternative to use a main car dealer, but often there is a long waiting time and vehicle recovery will be needed.

How much does it cost to get a car key cut?

Car key cutting can be as little as ÂŁ20, however, you have to account for additional costs depending on your situation. If you need a spare set or have lost your keys, then the price will start from ÂŁ89.

Can I get a car key cut at Timpsons?

Yes you can, but Timpsons are not a mobile specialist auto locksmith service. Car Keys Solutions are, and we’re also the leading company in this industry in London.

Why Choose Us?

Our skilled auto locksmith experts are renowned for their laser-focused attention when it comes to cutting and replacing the keys for your vehicle. No matter how old or new your vehicle is, Car Keys Solutions will be able to resolve your car key problems. We pledge the best customer service experience and we value our customer’s feedback.

In addition to this we are very budget-friendly. Not only will you get your new car key within a few hours, but also without having to break the bank. phone number 02033935669

At Car Keys Solutions, our expert team uses the latest equipment and technologies for emergency key cutting and roadside vehicle access, duplicate car keys, and electronic fob programming.

Talk to one of our advisers now  by calling 0203 393 5669